Air Tight
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Progressive tube technology for the ultimate in digital performance capability!

ATM-1E Coming Soon

‘ATM-1 2024 Edition’ - Stereo Power Amplifier

ATM-1E embodies the culmination of Air Tight's 38 years of challenges.

The ATM-1 2024 edition, (ATM-1E for short), is a model that carries on the name of AirTigtht's first product, the ATM-1, released 38 years ago. Utilizing a push-pull configuration of the classic EL-34, 38 years of experience and today's engineering technologies, Air Tight has created a completely new model.



• Stereo Power Amplifier
• Push Pull Design
• Input Selector (2-ch)
• Output Capability 60W handling
• Bias Adjustment Facilities
• CD-Direct Input



• Valves: 1/12AT7(ECC81), 2/6CG7 (6FQ7), 4/EL34
• Rated Output: 35W+35W (1kHz/THD<5%)
• Frequency Response: 20Hz~30kHz(-1dB/30W)
• Input Impedance: 100kΩ
• Input Sensitivity: 700mV(35W)
• Damping Factor: 6.7(1kHz/1W)
• Power Consumption: 250VA
• Dimensions: 365mm(W) x 305mm(D) x 225mm (H)
• Weight: 21.5kg

  • » Reference Models
  • Air Tight's Reference Line

    ATM 3211 - Reference Mono Power Amplifier

    Airtight's dream came true in 2017 with their 120W output from exquisite 211 Triode push-pull circuitry.

    The circuit configuration is as follow:
    - 1st stage: differential circuit of 12AX7
    - 2nd stage: 12BH7
    - Cathode-follower 12BH7 parallel
    - A-class operation up to 30W
    - AB-class operation for more than 30W
    - Wide frequency range is obtained by NFB circuit (Frequency response 10Hz~50kHz ±1dB)
    - Massive Tamura’s output transformer is employed
    - High and low 2-compositions transformer ensure instantaneous power supply and prevent power interference.
    - High grade capacitors and resistors are employed in key locations.
    - The 15mm thick aluminum front panel is carved by hand.
    - WBT input and speaker terminals are employed.
    - Wiring and soldering are all done by hand.


    Valves employed: 12AX7 x 1, 12BH7 x 3, 211 x 2
    Rated output: 120W (6Ω/THD2%)
    Frequency response: 10Hz~50kHz (±1dB/THD0.06%)(at 1kHZ/30W)
    Damping factor: 6(1kHz/1W)
    Input sensitivity: 1V/Input impedance 100kΩ
    Power consumption: 550VA
    Load impedance: 6Ω/16Ω(Interchangeable, 6Ωstandard)
    Dimensions: 400(W) x 450(D) x 405(H) mm
    Weight: 44kgs


    Airtight's PDF specification


    Superdreadnought Mono Power Amplifier / Stereo Power Amplifier


    - Comfortable high power thanks to colossal output stage featuring 12 pieces of 6550 beam valve
    - Individually direct-coupled cathode-follower to ensure an optimum operation of each output valve
    - Massive power supply employing huge EI power transformer
    - 2 independent amps thus composed in UL configuration afford rich high power without load on each component
    - Lavish employment of strictly select components of high performance & long durability


    Valves employed: 6550 × 12, 12BH7× 6, 12AX7× 2, 12AU7 × 2
    Rated output: 338W(8 ohms, mono) / 180W(8 ohms,stereo)
    THD: less than 1% at rated output
    Frequency response: 20 - 20,000Hz( 1dB)
    Input impedance: 100k ohms
    S/N ratio: 100dB
    power supply: 430(W) ×185(H) ×500(D)mm
    amplifier: 430(W) ×380(H) ×520(D)mm
    power supply: 65kgs
    amplifier: 50kgs

  • » Single Ended Triode Power Amplifcations
  • Air Tight's Single-Ended Triode Power Amplifiers

    ATM-2211 - Monaural Power Amplifier

    About 20 years have passed since the launch of the ATM-211 single-monaural power amplifier using 211 tube, which has been well received since its launch in 2001. Since then, AIR TIGHT launched 211 push-pull monaural power amplifier ATM-3211, which has become a turning point for the Airtight brand as well as SET ATM-300R. For their 35 year anniversary, AIR TIGHT will launch the new 211 single monaural power amplifier ATM-2211.


    Valves employed: 1/12AX7, 1/12BH7, 1/211
    Rated output: 32W(THD<5%)
    Input impedance: 100kΩ(RCA/XLR)
    Input: RCAx1, XLRx1(No.2 pin=HOT)
    Input sensitivity: 500mV(32W)
    Frequency response: 20Hz~20kHz(-1dB) @3.5W
    Power consumption: 250VA
    Dimensions: 400(W)x350(D)x225(H)mm
    Weight: 25.5Kg


    Airtight's PDF specification

  • » Power Amplification

  • Air Tight Power Amplification


    Monaural Power Amplifier


    - 6CA7 output valves for high reliability and affluent musicality under triple push-pull configuration
    - Selector between UL and TRIODE modes enabling to match the amp operation to type of speaker used, or the sound to your personal taste
    - Bias adjustment enabling each and all valves to exhibit the same operational performance
    - Removal of PCB’s for vivid, natural sonic reproduction
    - Large power transformer with heavy-duty choke coil and reputed Tamura output transformer
    - Muting delay system to protect output valves


    Valves employed: 6CA7 × 6, 12AX7 × 1, 12AU7 × 1
    Rated output: 110W (UL), 55W(triode)
    Input impedance: 100kohms
    Features: UL/triode mode selector, bias adjuster
    Dimensions: 405(W) × 340(D) × 220(H)mm
    Weight: 25kgs


    Stereo Power Amplifier

    ATM-300R was developed as a reference model to show off the &lquo;Warm and Soft&rquo; sound of conventional 300B amplifiers and applaused enthusiastically, the ATM-300 was supported by many audiophiles in the world. In order to reflect the individuality of a wide variety of 300B , AIRTIGHT built a sound stage full of musicality that allows the sphere to fully demonstrate its potential while suppressing the colouring of the sound as much as possible. As a result, while making full use of the individuality of the sphere, they have realized the freshness that the music permeates, the vast and deep sound field, and the dynamics that makes one forget the specifications of a 9W output.


    Power Output : 9W+9W (THD<10%) THD below : 1% (1kHz / 1W / 8Ω) Input Sensitivity : 290mV (9W) Damping Factor : 7 (1kHz / 1W / 8Ω) Frequency Response : 30Hz~40kHz (−1dB / 1W) Dimensions : 430(W)×275(D)×245(H)mm Weight : 24.5kg


    Airtight's PDF specification

    ATM-1S stereo power amplifier

    - Dependable orthodox configuration composed of highly acclaimed 6CA7 valves under Mullard phase inversion
    - Hefty output headroom achieved by newly developed Hashimoto transformers boasting of 60W power handling capability
    - Bias adjustment facilities for easy service accessibility
    - No PCB in favour of point-to-point manual soldering with full OFC wires and copper-plated chassis


    Valves employed: 6CA7 × 4, 12AU7 × 2, 12AX7 × 1
    Rated output: 36W + 36W (8 ohms)
    Input sensitivity: 1V
    Input impedance: 100kohms
    Load Impedance: 4Ω/8Ω/16Ω Interchangeable by inner wiring.
    Set at 8Ωload when shipped from the factory.


    Input selector (2-ch), bias adjuster
    Dimensions: 368(W) × 293(D) × 231(H)mm
    Weight: 22kgs


    Airtight's PDF specification

  • » Pre-Amplifcation
  • Air Tight Pre Amplifiers


    Stereo Line & Phono Control Amplifier


    Valves employed: 12AX7 × 3, 12AT7 × 2
    Phono equalizer input: RCA/MM × 2
    Input impedance: 47kΩ(Gain 40dB)
    Phono equalizer output: RCA × 1
    Output impedance: Recommended load more than 47kΩ
    Line input: RCA × 3
    Input impedance: 47kΩ (Gain 18dB)
    Line output: RCA × 2
    Output impedance: Recommended load more than 47kΩ
    Output voltage: 20V(Load 100kΩ/1% distortion)
    Line amplifier distortion: THD 0.02%(1V/1kHz)
    Frequency response Phono equalizer: 50Hz~20kHz(±0.2dB) /20Hz-2.5dB
    Frequency response Line amplifier: 20Hz~100kHz-1dB
    Power consumption: 50VA
    Dimensions: 400(W) × 260(D) × 90(H)(tentative)
    Weight: 9kgs(tentative)


    Stereo Line-Control Amplifier


    - SRPP line amp with reinforced buffer stage to assure good noise rejection, low output impedance and extended linearity
    - Rich power supply featuring quick recovery diode for high operational speed and low pulse noise
    - Single-steel sheet with multi-layer enamel for high rigidity and low noise
    - High-quality input/output jacks with detachable mains cord
    - Optional ‘Alps’ high-precision pot RK-501


    Valves employed: 12AX7(ECC83) × 1, 12AU7(ECC82) × 2
    Output voltage: rated 2V, max. 15V
    Output impedance: 200 ohms
    THD: less than 0.01%
    Input sensitivity: 110mV (ouput 1V)
    S/N ratio: less than 90dB (IHF-A weighted)
    Dimensions: 430(W) × 325(D) × 90(H)mm
    Weight: 8kgs

  • » Phono Equalizer
  • Air Tight Phono Equalizer


    BUILD TO ORDER - Reference Phonostage

    ATE-3011 is Airtight's latest phonostage, born for music lovers who thoroughly enjoys the profound world of record reproduction. The ATE-3011 is equipped with 5 equalizing curves (RIAA, NAB, AES, FFRR, & FLAT) for Turnover and Roll-Off, and can independently select turnover and roll-off to create various curves to optimize for your vinyl collections.

    Large-size self-illuminating display and equalize curve selector switch offers easy change over between the equalizing curves which often requires intricate settings on other equalizer, and now music lovers can focus on appreciation of recorded music.


    - Genuine valve configuration for whole amp stages even at power supply
    - Latest sonic-oriented high-quality attenuator for matchless sonic transparency and silky smoothness
    - EQ circuitry composed of 2-stage NF & SRPP to insure wide-band spectrum and minimum distortion
    - Elaborate power supply for high stability and low noise
    - Direct-accessible EQ output bypassing volume pot
    - High-mass, vibration-proof chassis for high rigidity


    Valves employed: 12AX7 x 3
    Phono equalizer input: RCA/MM × 3
    Input impedance: 47kΩ(Gain 40dB)
    Phono equalizer output: RCA × 2 + 1(mono only)
    Output impedance: Recommended load more than 47kΩ
    THD: 0.02%(1V/1kHz)
    Frequency response: 50Hz~20kHz(±0.2dB) /20Hz-2.5dB
    Power consumption: 50VA
    Dimensions: 400(W) × 375(D) × 151(H)mm
    Weight: 12.2kg


    Airtight's PDF specification

  • » STEP-UP

  • Step-Up Transformers


    Step-up transformer for MC cartridge


    Step-up ratio: 1:40 (32dB gain) at low impedance mode
    Adaptable impedance of cartridges: 1Ω〜7Ω (Recommended)
    > > >The adaptable impedance range can be converted to 7Ω〜40Ω.

    Dimensions: 144 (W) × 207 (D) × 80 (H) mm
    Weight: 1.5kgs


    Step-up transformer for MC cartridge

    The ATH-2 REFERENCE is Air Tights top version of the ATH-2A. The ATH-2 REFERENCE has three selectable inputs, i.e., "Bypass", "2Ohm" and "40Ohhm". Thanks to the employment of the new winding material (oxygen-free copper) and careful review on its winding method, the dynamics-range, sonic powerfulness and quality have been remarkably improved, thus achieving an unparalleled musicality of your analogue discs.


    - frequency rage being fully procured, the upper-end is extend up to 80kHz (-1dB) and 120kHz (-2.2dB).
    - S/N ratio especially at the low output level totally surpassing the competitors' performance, you may enjoy the higher quality in the different dimension in combination with the Hi-End amplifiers
    - 2 Ohm position complies with the latest ultra-low impedance below 1 Ohm

    The ATH-2 REFERENCE derives the full potentials of the existing MC cartridges, starting from the Ortofon SPU down to the latest


    Input Selector - 3 position
    ・Bypass: without gain, for MM cartridges
    ・2Ω (0.6Ω~7Ωapplicable) gain 29dB 
    ・40Ω (7Ω~40Ω applicable) gain 23dB
    Frequency response: 10Hz~80kHz (-1dB)
    Dimensions: 240(W)×180(D)×70(H)mm
    Weight: 2.8kgs

  • » Reviews

  • Reviews

    - Image hifi magazine: AIRTIGHT Opus-1, Opus-1 MC phono cartridge was reviewed by Image hifi magazine (Feb, 2018 edition)
    - 2017 Buyer's Guide : Power Amplifiers $10,000-$15,000, The Absolute Sound
    - Stereophile: AIRTIGHT ATM-3011 (
    - HIGH Fidelity: AIRTIGHT ATM-300 (
    - 6moons audio reviews: Air Tight ATM-300
    - Stereophile: Air Tight ATM-211 tube monoblock power amplifier
    - HIGH Fidelity: AIRTIGHT ATM-211 (
    - SoundClub - Air Tight (
    - air tight 211 (
    - Air Tight ATC-2 ATM-300 by Jean Giguére Magazine Son & Image
    ( )
    ( (French))
    - Cine now: ATM-1s(CES2010)
    - Air Tight ATC-1 Preamp and ATM-1 Power Amp Reviewed
    ( reviewed/)
    - Test przedwzmacniacza Air Tight ATC-3 - Artykuły audio. Testy ... (Portuguese)
    - HIGH Fidelity:AIR TIGHT ATC-3+ATM-1S
    - HIGH Fidelity: Air Tight PC-1 Supreme
    - Question on Air Tight PC-1 Supreme for Mr. Valin | AVguide
    - awards 2008:Air Tight PC-1 Supreme
    - The Abso!ute Sound:Air Tight PC-1 Cartridge | AVguide ( )
    - Air Tight PC-1 Cartridge Reviewed ( )
    - TRANSROTOR Argos + AIR TIGHT PC-1 - (
    - BERGMANN AUDIO SINDRE + AIR TIGHT PC-1 - Turntable - High Fidelity (

  • » RK-501

  • RK-501

    High-precision volume


    A unique polished solid brass enclosure resistant to vibration and resonance with a newly developed carbon resistor offers unsurpassed sonic transparency and silky-smooth touch to level control. Available at option for the ATC-1, ATC-2, ATC3

  • » Angie's Trip to Air Tight
  • Images from Angie's Trip to Air Tight

  • » New From Air Tight

  • IMPORTANT: Products and specifications are subject to change without notice.